Our Purpose

We define our purpose as:

“To responsibly produce essential ingredients for a sustainable future”

This is our guiding principle by which we make our corporate decisions and conduct our corporate activities.


Chief Executive Officer’s statement: Approach to sustainability

Alasdair Warren | CEO, WE Soda

We pride ourselves as a leader within our industry, not only in terms of scale, but also in terms of sustainability and innovation, with the lowest energy, emissions and water intensity and almost no waste. 2022 was an extraordinary year, and in 2023 we are well positioned to deliver another record performance, supported by the long-term trends of sustainability and the energy transition.

We are committed to operating sustainably in an environmentally and socially responsible way with strong corporate governance. We measure our sustainability performance and, where needed, we seek external help to ensure continuous improvement, actively investing in new initiatives, systems and processes.

Read the full statement here

Alasdair Warren CEO WE Soda

Sustainability strategy

Our sustainability business model is shaped by the potential impacts on all of our stakeholders: our customers, employees, suppliers, investors, local community, and the ecological habitats in which we operate: 

We set ambitious yet achievable environmental, economic, efficiency, social, occupational health and safety, and continuous improvement targets.

We endeavour to support transformation to a low carbon economy in the global fight against climate change.

We ensure transparent and accountable management through a framework of ethical guidelines and a culture of continuous improvement.

There are six SDGs in particular which we believe are particularly relevant to our operations and where we believe we have made a significant impact:

  • SDG 5 – Gender Equality 

  • SDG 6 – Clean Water and Sanitation 

  • SDG 8 – Decent Work and Economic Growth 

  • SDG 12 – Responsible Consumption and Production 

  • SDG 13 – Climate Action 

  • SDG 15 – Life on Land

2022 sustainability strategy

SDG sustainable development goals diagram

Our stakeholders

We aim to create value for our stakeholders in everything we do, and we engage with our stakeholders to gain insights into what they want and need from us as a business. These insights allow us to determine those areas of interest for our stakeholders and help us to shape the way in which we do business.

In November 2022, to inform our strategic decision-making, we commissioned the sustainability consultancy ERM to help us assess the material issues for our business and those of concern to our stakeholders. Read the full results here:

2022 materiality assessment

Our material sustainability topics

Find out more about material sustainability by clicking on the links below.

Eti Soda vineyards hills landscape factory